Weight Loss Clinic Newcastle

Mr Toumi runs a weekly weight loss clinic at Spire Washington Hospital, near Newcastle, on Tuesdays with appointments between 8am and 5pm.

If a patient has difficulty attending an appointment on a Tuesday, appointments on other convenient days can be arranged. Virtual consultations are also available.

Weight loss clinic near newcastle poster with clinic details

What to expect at a weight loss clinic appointment?

During an initial appointment Mr Toumi will:

  • Take your full medical history
  • Review and discuss your answers from the online patient questionnaire 
  • Discuss your previous attempts to lose weight
  • Discuss your social history and support network
  • Perform any examination that is deemed necessary
  • Take your height, and weight to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Discuss the mechanism of action of all suitable weight loss interventions
  • Explain the potential benefits and risks
  • Provide you with any needed prescriptions
  • Provide you with a plan to move forward
  • Refer you to the dietitian and psychologist for assessment
  • Discuss dates for your treatment or procedure
  • Offer you further support in regarding decision making by inviting you to the support group or linking you with other post op/post treatment patients
  • Answer any questions that you have
  • Provide a letter documenting all that was discussed to be sent to yourself and your GP

How to prepare for your initial appointment?

  1. Write a list of all your medical conditions, previous operations and current medications
  2. Read the information available on this website regarding the different treatments
  3. Look at the posts and videos on Mr Toumi’s social media platforms
  4. Write a list of all the questions that you have
  5. If you are able, request a copy of your medical record and most recent blood tests from your GP
  6. Consider what are your objectives of seeking the treatment
  7. Make a list of dates that you are not available for treatment eg holidays, family occasions etc.
  8. Fill in the online patient questionnaire which Mr Toumi will e-mail to you before your appointment

To book an appointment:

You can book an appointment a the Weight Loss Clinic with Mr Toumi using the the Spire online booking service:

Why visit a weight loss clinic?

People often choose to visit weight loss clinics for professional guidance, structured programs, and medical monitoring during their weight loss journey. Weight loss clinics provide expert advice from healthcare professionals like Mr Toumi and dietitians, offering tailored plans that may include diet, exercise, behavioral therapy, and medical interventions when necessary. By providing a supportive environment and access to resources such as special equipment and educational materials, weight loss clinics help individuals achieve long-term success in their weight loss goals. With a focus on sustainable lifestyle changes and ongoing support, these clinics empower individuals to make lasting improvements to their health and well-being.