Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve)

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The Gastric Sleeve

Operation technique: The Gastric Sleeve (also known as Sleeve Gastrectomy) is an operation that involves removing three quarters of the stomach. After the operation the patient is left with a small stomach tube that is around 2cm in diameter and that has a volume of around 100mls. Food is digested in the same way as before, however the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced.

Operation duration: The operation takes around one hour.

Hospital stay: Most patients only require a 1 – 2 night stay in hospital following the operation. At The Spire Washington you will have your own large private room with TV, Window, Armchair, Wardrobe and En-suite.

Watch our short video to show the Gastric Sleeve technique

How does the Gastric Sleeve work?

Removal of the hunger hormone: This operation works mainly by supressing the appetite and the hunger of the patient. The hunger hormone ghrelin is produced by the part of the stomach that is removed during sleeve gastrectomy. And as a result, the changes to these gut hormones aid the rapid weight loss experienced shortly after the Gastric Bypass in the first 6-9 months. 

Reduction in stomach size: The stomach reduction also means that you feel full after eating a small meal and cause you to feel less hungry between meals. This causes you to absorb fewer calories and as a result lose weight. 

Also see, Why is sleeve gastrectomy currently the most popular bariatric operation in the world?

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Average weight loss of 30%: Gastric Sleeve surgery achieves average total weight loss of around 30%. For example, if your weight now is 20 stone, we expect it to be around 14 stone after gastric bypass. Many patients experience rapid weight loss during the initial 6-9 months after their operation and on average people lose around 30% of their weight within 2 years.

Health improvement: In addition to weight loss, the bypass improves many weight loss conditions including: Type 2 diabetes, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Risk of stroke, Reflux, Polycystic ovaries and Sleep apnoea. 

Increased energy: After recovery people find they are able to enjoy exercise and physical activity, building fitness, stamina and enjoy increased energy.

Preparation for the Gastric Sleeve

What to expect with Mr Zaher Toumi
Dr Matilda Moffett - Support for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Initial Consultation with Mr Toumi: During this appointment you will discuss with Mr Toumi your current health, medical history and past attempts to lose weight. Explore your suitability for the surgery, potential options and potential benefits and risks.

Dietitian Appointment: You will have an appointment with our Bariatric Dietitian where your diet will be accessed, a diet plan provided and learn about the Liver Reducing Diet in the lead up to your surgery day.

Psychologist Appointment: You will be seen by our specialist Psychologist who will further access that surgery is right for you.

Pre-Operative Assessment: You will also need to have a Pre-Op assessment which may include: An electrocardiogram (ECG), Blood tests and Endoscopy.

Recovery after Sleeve Gastrectomy

Healing time: Private Gastric Sleeve surgery is carried out as a key hole (laparoscopic) procedure using five small cuts in the skin about 1cm wide. This means that in addition to achieving excellent weight loss, the recovery is quick (most patients stay in the hospital for 1 night only), the pain is minimal, and the risk of post-surgical hernias is reduced. Gastric Sleeve surgery has a low risk of complications and is a safer operation than many other operations that are performed routinely.

Pain relief: After discharge most patients only require paracetamol for pain relief.

Bathing after surgery: Taking a bath or swimming must be avoided for two weeks after surgery (showering is permitted immediately following surgery).

Driving after surgery: Patients can return to driving after around 2 weeks following the bypass as long as you are able to look over your shoulder and perform an emergency stop without pain. 

Returning to work: Most patients are able to return to desk based work within 2 – 3 weeks of their operation. Those with more physical jobs may need to think about the following restrictions after surgery. Injury should be avoided and Gastric Sleeve patients should avoid lifting anything heavier than 5kg in weight for six weeks. 


Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Aftercare
Dawn Shotton Registered Dietitian for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Dietitian appointment: Following a Gastric Sleeve with Mr Toumi you are seen by our Bariatric Dietitian who will provide you with post Bypass diet plans for the short and long term. 

Regular follow up appointments: Further to this you will receive regular follow up appointments with Mr Toumi over 2 years following surgery to give you all the support that you need.

How much does Gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) cost in Newcastle?

This procedure is often carried out privately, and our comprehensive prices and availability of payment plans make it straightforward and more cost-effective, even if you do not have medical insurance.

Regrettably, we are unable to present a fee for this procedure at present. Please get in touch with us for a quotation.

Interested private Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery in North East England? Book an appointment below.